Banish Everything is the most powerful herbal combination for getting rid of negative energies, black djinn, malevolent spirits, and entities that can leave you feeling depressed, exhausted, and drained.
Banish Everything is an herbal blend specifically designed to remove any unwanted spiritual entities in your life and help you regain your sense of peace and security.
This blend doesn’t just target one particular type of spirit or energy—it banishes everything! Whether it’s a malicious entity, a negative entity, or a spirit sent to attack, Banish Everything will remove all of them from your life. -sometimesnincluding your spirit guides.
But Banish Everything isn’t just useful for removing negative spirits. It can also be used to help relieve the symptoms related to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression.
It can restore balance and harmony to your life by removing any spiritual influences that may be causing distress or disrupting your own natural flow of energy.
However, after using Banish Everything, you’ll need to use our special Attraction bakhoor to call your spirit guides back to you. The Attraction blend will draw positive energies into your life and help them reconnect with you providing counsel and guidance when needed.
Pleases note;
This blend of Bakhoor Sends away ALLLLL spirits. The negative spirits AND your spirit guides.