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Here's an overview of the topics covered in the class:

 Death & Ascension: This topic explores the concept of death and its significance within African Vodou. It also delves into beliefs surrounding the transition from physical life to spiritual existence, as well as ideas about ascension back into the ancestral house for and to become a vodou or Vodou.

 Ancestor Veneration: Ancestor veneration is an essential aspect of many African spiritual traditions, including Vodou. This topic covers the importance of honoring and connecting with one's ancestors, understanding their role in guiding and protecting individuals, and exploring rituals or practices associated with ancestor veneration.

 Personal Star/Higher Self Veneration: The concept of personal star  or higher self veneration refers to recognizing one's inner divine essence or higher consciousness as the God self being part of the holy trinity. This section explores techniques for connecting with this aspect of oneself, understanding its guidance, and integrating it into daily life through self and soul care rituals and meditation practices.

 Meaning of Vodou and How to Use It: This part provides an overview of what Vodou means within its cultural context, including its origins, beliefs, deities (Vodou/Etror), rituals, symbols, tools used in ceremonies such as Ewe veves, music/dance forms (like drumming), healing practices (such as herbalism), divination methods (like Ifa/Afa, water scrying, Binary Code Reading, or cowrie shells), spellwork/casting techniques within the tradition.

The workshop duration is 1 hour with an additional 15 minutes allocated for answering questions at the end—a valuable opportunity for participants to gain further insights or clarification on any topics covered.

It's wonderful to provide the opportunities for you to learn about and engage with African Vodou, a rich and diverse spiritual tradition.

If you have any specific questions or if there's anything else we can assist you with, please let us know!